
CINI FIRE TECH - Professional Fire Cover For Film, TV and Events

Professional Male & Female Fire Fighters, Fully Kitted Fire Engines, Over 50 Years Fire Service Experience!

Telephone: 01494 956657 or 07775 597127

About Cini Fire Tech Ltd

Based in Bordon near Guildford close to Shepperton, Pinewood and Longcross Studios, Cini Fire Tech pride themselves in providing a professional, individually tailored solution to all your specialist fire cover and support service requirements.

We cover a wide spectrum of services for event organisers, the film and television industry and other commercial operators.

We offer extensive experience in both the firefighting industry and film and event support at competitive rates.

With access to contemporary vehicles, the highest standard of equipment, professional experienced crew and safety advisors, Cini Fire Tech can offer a dynamic service for both UK and overseas clients.



Contact Us Today: 01494 956 657 | Call Us 24hrs: Peter: 07775 597 127

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